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Welcome to our news hub!

This is a new feature we have added to the website! It will give you helpful tips all about gaming, like Recomendations or Seeds for Minecraft! There is lots of fun to be had, and you can join in too! Just type a message and start a conversation below!

Update Sunday, August 31st 2014

Our viewer count system seems to have glicthed and is displaying 4, although I am happy to report mere minutes before it broke we hit 50 views! Thanks so much and I will certainly do my best to get it back working. In even better news, I've recently created a Legend of Zelda like game called Brave Boy, which has it's own tab! Go give it a try!


Update 4/10/14

We currently have 13 views! Thank you very much! We have 4 games,  and a few other fun additions in our game section. Such as a very fun experimental add on by gamescene. Try it out today! This is also the first post on our new News hub! We have also FINALLY removed that St. Partrick's Day Sign. You can also log in to play with other players. Just start up a chat and try to beat each other's high scores!


A post form Equestria Daily on the fan creation: Rapunzel meets MLP

I loved this, but there's NO DENYING there were lots of cliches in this. It wouldn't be so noticeable if the short didn't take itself so seriously. Ill name a few:

-Heroine is leaves home and "prince" is worried

-"prince" is hurt comedicaly

-Heroine is ambushed and attacked don't know what she is

-Heroine's horse is somehow coincidently removed from the plot.

-Companion makes sure if heroine is good or evil

-no more Mr.Nice Guy cliche

That's all I can find. I like how this came out. I may post it on my website! :)

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